
Weidmuller, USA

821 Southlake Blvd.
Richmond, VA 23236

Phone: 800-849-9343
Customer Service:

Corporate Executive Management:
Dr. Timo Berger
Volker Bibelhausen
André Sombecki

Supervisory Board:
Christian Gläsel

The domain is operated by Weidmuller Inc., USA

Hyperlinks to external websites: Our website includes hyperlinks to websites operated by other providers. Clicking on these hyperlinks takes you from our website directly to the website of the other providers. This can be identified through the change in the URL, etc. We do not accept any responsibility for the confidential handling of your data on these third-party websites since we cannot influence these companies to comply with the data privacy provisions. You should find out directly on these websites how these companies handle your personal data.

If you have any technical queries about this website please contact:

Data protection and data security while using our website are very important to us. Go to our Data Privacy Statement.

If you have any questions regarding our data privacy policy, please contact:

Caroline March-Long
Sr. Director of Marketing & Market Intelligence, USA
Phone: (804) 379-6064